Political Rally


Ultra Events was contracted to provide a video, lighting and audio solution for the final rally of the official opposition party in Belhar. Ultra was contracted in by Kilowatt AV while they supplied the video, FOH and Monitor engineers, and all video and streaming equipment and services.

Note: Audio on the livestream was not monitored by myself or any member of the Ultra Events team.

After many iterations, the final sub array consisted of 12 x b22 subwoofers, positioned upright. spaced in front of the stage and a fence that was in front of the stage. The sub array was then fenced off for safety.

Modelling the sub array was a quick and useful tool while discussing with the FOH engineer about desires and outcomes of the sub array. Once we had reached a consensus, we could deploy the array. 

Top view of horizontal coverage of all the PA elements - Modelled and matched in deployment.

Isometric view of modelled coverage - was able to import the grandstand .dxf file into ArrayCalc to get a better idea of the horizontal coverage needed.


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