Now is the winter of our discount tents.

Grim Weather just outside the office door

I always find it so interesting how the events industry is so cyclical in South Africa. After a busy season loading trucks, building outdoor stages for concerts, gala dinners and parties, setting up screens and PA systems for sports events, and general fair weather fun, its time to move indoors! 

Chesray working on some some set pieces.

Gigs tend to get a bit slower during the winter months, but it is usually welcomed by staff and those involved in the industry, a little time to reflect is a privilege we don't often get to exercise. 

There is always a feeling of - "That's a winter project!", and we expect the expanded time between gigs, the opportunity to learn and expand our skills, a bit less overtime... 

Winter allows us the opportunity to learn and refine our knowledge, experiment with new tools and toys, and refresh our knowledge on some areas that we personally feel lacking.

Tanaka and Aidan testing out some gear while prepping.

We also find a lot of our suppliers hosting training programs - usually these are marketing events wrapped in a layer of education - but after enough time in the industry you can sniff them out pretty quickly.

And you never know - someone might start a blog...


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